In 2020, Peepeekisis created two economic development boards; Sparrowhawk developments, which oversees off reserve investments, focuses on creating revenue for the Nation. And Peepeekisis Developments Lt, which focuses on with on reserve developments, and creating employment opportunities for the nation’s members.  Each development corporation has its own distinct board, composed of Council, nation members, and business professionals. With the profits of it’s business endeavors, the Nation hopes to improve it’s infastructure, Create jobs, and support band membership. 

In 2022, Sparrowhawk Developments purchased the Temple Garden Mineral Spa in Moosejaw, Saskatchewan, as its first revenue creating venture. The property includes a 181 room hotel, mineral water spa, restaurant, and full range spa.

Peepeekisis Developments Ltd. is overseeing operations the new gas station and band hall that has been built on the nation (Community Hub).  PDL has also opened a cannabis dispensary, and is currently aggressively pursuing new business opportunities.

For inquires or more infomation on Peepeekisis Economic opportunities contact:

Headman- Allan Bird                                  Headsperson- Debbie Hill         

306-331-5899                                               306-596-6446