peepeekisis Pesakastew School k-12

Pesakastew School is a K-12 school located in the heart of Peepeekisis Cree Nation, Canada.
We are proud to provide students with a safe learning environment which encourages students to spread their wings and seek out their dreams – whether they are interested in teaching, social work, graphic design, or plumbing. Our students are encouraged to embrace their culture and traditional values as they grow into young men and women and we are dedicated to promoting Cree culture throughout the school.
School number: 1-306-334-3100
Staff Directory:
Education Portfolio Headman Blaine Pinay
Director of Education Joy Sapp
Principal David Still
Kindergarten Alison Nanai Grade 2/3 Cyrstal Starr
Grade 1 David Beck Grade 4/5 Denise Ketchemonia
Grade 6/7 Holley Rope Grade 8/9 Connie Bear
Vera Tourangeau
Jessica Ketchemonia
Dennis Suewood
Land Based Instructor Chris Bird Resource Room Teacher Lianne Bird
Receptionist Sheri Merasty
Maintenance Doug Mckay, April Desnomie, Jacqueline Dieter
Chef Dana Desnomie
Librarian Janice Koochicum
Staff Employed at Peepeekisis School
Yearly Average Grade 12 Graduates
Post-Secondary Students Enrolled
Elementary and Highschool Students Enrolled (2022)